Rutherford County
Behavioral Health Services
Child & Family Services
Intensive In-Home (IIH) teams are available to serve children and adolescents at risk of out-of-home placement and/or need to be stabilized within the home.
Adult Services

Outpatient Therapy is a service designed to meet the behavioral and psychological symptoms or patterns through therapy. This service is available through scheduled treatment sessions provided to individuals, families, or groups. This benefit includes counseling, psychotherapy, and collateral work with family (or substitute family)and members of a service recipient. Outpatient therapy offers or refers to various services based on the client's needs. Services could include education about the individual's disability/disorder, family interactions, community integration, relationships, or the importance of living skills. Services are generally provided in the office setting but may include other locations based on the needs of the individual.
Medication Management
Medication management assessments are available for individuals dealing with behavioral health challenges stemming from symptoms caused by their behavioral health diagnosis. Psychiatric medication providers work collaboratively with therapists, peer supports, and Community Support Teams to determine the need for medications to address symptoms.
Peer Support Services Certified Peer Support Specialists are individuals with lived experience who now, through their recovery, assist others with behavioral health and substance use disorders. Peer Support helps others seeking recovery from behavioral health and /or substance use challenges. Support is often related to needs such as housing, food, healthcare, employment, and resources for recovery activities.
Individual Support Services
Personal Care is a "hands-on" individualized assistance with everyday activities required by an individual with severe and persistent mental illness to live independently in the community. The service is to teach and assist individuals in carrying out daily living skills. The goal is for this support to fade over time as the individual performs some of these activities more independently.
Transitional Management
Transitional Management is available to individuals participating in the Transition to Community Living Initiative (TCLI). Transitional Management focuses on increasing the individual's ability to live as independently as possible, managing mental health symptoms, and re-establishing their community roles related to the following life domains: emotional, social, safety, housing, medical and health, educational, vocational, and legal.
The Community Support Team (CST) provides a comprehensive, personalized treatment program for individuals with moderate behavioral health issues utilizing a team approach. The CST Team offers assistance in accessing resources, reducing psychiatric & addiction symptoms, and developing community living skills.
Assertive Community Treatment Team
The Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) provides a comprehensive, personalized treatment program for individuals with severe and persistent behavioral health illnesses. ACTT staff work with people at home, at school, or work and are available 24/7. ACTT employs a team approach to help individuals with everyday basics such as taking medications and making it through the day. The team includes a psychiatrist, nurses, vocational specialists, therapists, other mental health professionals, and peer support staff to help people remain out of the hospital and living in the community.